Apple's headset with 14 cameras? Your facial expressions will be redesigned as such

The Optiblogger

 Will this be the answer for those who think beyond the smartphone?

Apple is expected to launch the AR / VR headset next year, which has been rumored for the past few years. The headset will have 14 cameras and will be able to recreate the identity (avatar) of the person using it in a virtual way, according to the Information. Each camera is expected to track the user's face, capture real facial expressions and lip movements, and send them to the other person in the form of artificial intelligence.

Apple seeks advice from iPhone designer Johnny Ivy

The iPhone was overseen by Steve Jobs, but the 'mastermind' behind the design of many Apple devices, including the British, was Sir Jonathan Paul Ivy or Johnny Ivy.
Devices such as the iMac and iPod, which he designed, saved Apple from imminent death in the late 1990s. Then there are the iPhones, the MacBook Air, the iPod, the Apple Watch, and the Air Pods. After 27 years of service to the company, Ivy resigned from Apple in 2019 and started his own company, Love From, in San Francisco. At his farewell ceremony, the current head of Apple praised Ivy's efforts.
According to The Information, Apple IV is constantly seeking feedback on the design of the new AR / VR headset. Ivy is collaborating on the role of an external consultant. The report quotes two people as saying that they knew some employees in the headset department were moving from Apple's headquarters in Cupertino to San Francisco.

  •   Ivy Interest Battery Connected Headset

Ivy has in mind the idea of a device that connects to the battery, just like the headset of the Magic Leap Company, which offers the best experience right now. However, the report says that it is not certain whether the final version of Apple's headset will look like this. Apple's design team, which worked under Ivy, reportedly sought his help whenever in doubt. Apple sought Ivy's help with the battery, where the cameras should be mounted, and the overall design. At the same time, it says that Apple's first headset will not be for gaming enthusiasts. According to the latest reports, it will be released in 2023.

  •  Face changing technology

Efforts to take mainstream technology beyond the Internet have been going on for years. AR / VR technology is one of the areas where technology companies hope for this. In the beginning, the real world explores the possibilities of creating and experiencing something less artificial with the help of technology. Telling a foreigner to appear before us in the same way can certainly make a difference. (People sitting in both countries will have to wear headsets for this). Such artificial spaces can also be created in the metawares that are about to bring meta (Facebook). Two or more people can come here and talk and chat. (Now you can see the eyes of those who look at their smartphones. Those who use such headsets know what's possible when they go to their virtual left.)



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